Wednesday 15 June 2016

Tact (15/06/16)

"skill and sensitivity in dealing with others or with difficult issues."

Friday 3 June 2016

Process (03/06/16)

My digital process has developed along with my drawing style to try and get more energy and atmosphere into the work. I find it easily possible to somewhat "muddy" images when working with them digitally, and to avoid this I try and recognise when I'm not adding anything significant to the work- when adding things to "finish" or polish an image you can ruin what was working in the first place. 

I find some of the most interesting work to look at and be inspired by are portraits left when they still have elements of roughness. All of the marks reference a point in time, from initial drafting and revising to more complex areas, allowing you to follow the process and appreciate the complexity rather than just be baffled by something that doesn't allow you any insight into how it was created. An example of the latter can be photorealistic images, which require a high level of skill but can sometimes appeal only as a magic trick.

Wednesday 1 June 2016


I don't work with colour that often but it seemed right here. Enjoying throwing things together and seeing how they work out.